
Book Projects
“What impressed me the most about Darren was his ability to pick up my voice so quickly. He is sophisticated enough to understand what you are trying to do and has the ability to execute it. Because we were working with many different people at Red Hat, it was important that he work within the context of our team. He worked patiently and diligently with our internal people, fit in well and helped educate us throughout the process. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but writing the book was actually a lot of fun.” ~ Jim Whitehurst

The Open Organization
June 2015
“I’ve been fortunate to work with Darren on a number of different projects. He is a journalist that understands business at a reasonably high level. His power comes from having a strong business background and the intellectual curiosity to put things into context. He is constantly asking questions, digging deeper or correlating to other stories or experiences. Because of his questions, he causes me to dig deeper on my ideas. The end results are clearer, tighter, more impactful thoughts and ideas.” ~ Jim Schleckser
Great CEOs Are Lazy
April 2016

“Darren is a great writer, but his exposure to so many companies over the years and the access to many leaders and people who have run companies—gives him great perspective. He is about as close to the inside as you can get. His experience as a journalist, writing for Forbes, Inc. and the NY Times makes him more than just a typical writer. To work with someone like Darren is to find someone you trust, speaks in your voice and who is responsive. He is an easy-going partner that will challenge you to look at other perspectives, all while adding his own way to make the text more interesting.” ~ Paul Spiegelman
Patients Come Second
March 2013
The Breakthrough Company
September 2009
“Working with Darren was one of the greatest partnerships; there was much give and take. He took full ownership of our project and was a great partner – there was an open exchange of ideas that made my book better.” ~ Keith McFarland

The Analytical Marketer
October 2016
“Darren conducted a lot of interviews with members of my team so we could tell the story from a lot of different perspectives—about 20-30 voices. He was able to make people feel comfortable, he was highly inquisitive and got people talking to pull out the stories. Everyone enjoyed talking to him and I learned a lot from him, repeating back what he heard.” ~ Adele Sweetwood